It was 1776 when the founding fathers penned down the words, “All men are created equal,” this wasn’t true at the time. It wasn’t true in 1865 when slavery was mostly abolished. It still wasn’t true in 1964 when segregation ended with the Civil Rights Act. Even the historic event of electing Barack Obama into the presidency did not signify the end of inequality. As of now, there is certainly no truth to, “All men are created equal,” when it is spoken in the United States of America.
As Rams, we must acknowledge and accept Colorado State University is not special. The first step is to acknowledge the pain of the people around the community and empower those whose voices have been silenced. The campus is not free of the racial injustice or racial incidents we all see on social media. Colorado State University has its own racial issues that are only addressed by words and actions that lack justice. Conversation is lacking among Rams, especially in Rams who are a part of STEM. Social issues and social sciences are blatantly neglected, and marginalized persons have become more of a token for the university to display. The administration states they are proud of the diversity and inclusion, yet we have no conversation or meaningful action.
We, the SACNAS CSU-Chapter, denounce all forms of bigotry and racial injustice. We stand in solidarity with Black Communities. Black lives matter. No, this statement does not imply that all other lives don't matter, but it does imply that “All lives matter,” is hypocritical when US history, current events, and statistical data clearly show black lives are considered less and undervalued by society.
We do not intend to make the same mistakes as the administration. We will and are doing action to bring about change on campus. The following are the goals we are striving for:
Create a strong unified community between all marginalized groups on campus.
Promote collaboration between organizations on campus that represent historically underrepresented groups in STEM.
This is not limited to color. This extends to gender, sex, sexual orientation, class, and religion.
Encourage dialogue dealing with racial discrimination and gender discrimination on campus.
Educate ourselves on perspectives and identities we do not hold.
Acknowledge our biases and lack of perspectives.
Acknowledge individual experiences, narratives, and national statistics as being necessities.
Encourage students in STEM to pursue an Ethnic Studies/Social Sciences minor.
Empower people in the community to champion inclusion and respect for all people who represent the values we hope to uphold.
Forming connections between and within the communities to lean into the uncomfortable and delve into the unspeakable topics that have been held internally in minority groups. Expand and uncover how the past is an outdated narrative for people of color across the world. To take the first step to see the defining lines that separate us and work to break them down to overcome/against the personal experiences each one of us holds.
Racial injustice did not start with us and racial injustice will not end with us, but we want to work to lessen its pervasive effects. It's time to be all in and stop waiting for the moment to come and seize today, now to do and be better. It's all or nothing.

Our mission is to advance the efforts, enhance the impact, and foster broader recognition & understanding of underrepresented identities in science. We aim to Collaborate with others to support, encourage, and advance the success of people of all backgrounds in science. Our focus extends to increasing engagement and recruitment of marginalized identities in STEM. Additionally, we are dedicated to establishing a platform for students from all cultural backgrounds and different STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) to come together and cultivate academic excellence, community service, professional/career development, mentorship opportunities, and social activities at Colorado State University.
Chapter By-laws & Constitution