Advancing Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science
Pursuing Diversity in STEM
About CSU
Colorado State University is a public land-grant research university in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is a national organization founded in 1973 and has a mission to further the success of underrepresented minorities in STEM. The CSU Chapter aims to uphold this mission for students, staff, and faculty on our campus.
Attend a conference
Interested in presenting your research at a national conference? Every year, the SACNAS National Organization hosts The National Diversity in STEM conference. Click here for more information about how to apply for presentations and travel awards!

We are a society of scientists dedicated to supporting & advancing students in the development of their professional careers. Everyone is welcome!
Welcome the CSU SACNAS Chapter

SACNAS CSU is a local chapter of an inclusive, multicultural and multidisciplinary national organization dedicated to promoting diversity and excellence in science. We support minority students on campus by providing opportunities for professional and leadership development, community outreach, educational support, and training for careers in science technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
We aspire to be more than just a student organization! We aspire to host a space where all members of our community may come to have their voices heard!

The Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science has a long history of supporting diversity in STEM. Every year SACNAS hosts the National Diversity in STEM Conference. Membership to the national organization used to require dues, however, due to the success of SACNAS in pursuit of its mission membership now starts for free! For more information click the link below:
Chapter Membership is almost as simple as National Membership. Our chapter currently does not require dues and we simply ask our members to attempt to be as much a part of our community as they can! That can be attending meetings or helping us help the community with volunteering activities. You get what you put in! For the latest information follow us on our social media or contact us.